A smile in a million: how to save money on the dentist and safely whiten your teeth at home

February 17, 2024

Many people spend a fortune on their perfect white smile. Both expensive dental procedures and special self-care systems, which often contain dangerous chemicals, are used.

 Today we will tell you about safe, simple, and inexpensive ways to make your teeth a few shades lighter – and at home!

Do you want to become the owner of beautiful snow-white teeth? It turns out that for this it is not at all necessary to go to the dentist or experiment with chemical home whitening products. Fortunately, there are completely harmless and wallet-friendly ways to achieve a perfect smile, like a Hollywood star. Remember and do not thank!

Why do teeth turn yellow?

Teeth can lose their shine and become darker for a variety of reasons. Enamel can turn yellow due to eating certain foods, or plaque can cause discoloration of the teeth.

Usually, professional cleanings or bleaching agents help restore the smile to its former sparkling appearance. In rare cases, the teeth turn yellow, due to the destruction of the enamel. In such cases, the hard tissue of the tooth, which is called dentin, is exposed – this bone tissue has a natural yellowish tint.

How do whiten teeth at home without causing harm? Here are 6 easy ways to help you!

Rinse your mouth with oil

Oil pulling is a traditional Indian remedy that is used for oral hygiene and removing toxins from the body. This alternative medical practice involves regularly gargling for 15-20 minutes with a tablespoon of edible oil. Oil in this case is used as a replacement for special mouthwashes.

Oil pulling is a traditional Indian remedy that is used for oral hygiene and removing toxins from the body. This alternative medical practice involves regularly gargling for 15-20 minutes with a tablespoon of edible oil. Oil in this case is used as a replacement for special mouthwashes.

Usually, Indians use sunflower or sesame oil for these purposes, but any other options are possible here. So, many opt for coconut oil, because it not only has a pleasant taste but also brings many benefits to our bodies. Coconut oil is rich in lauric acid, which kills bacteria and reduces inflammation.

As for oil pulling itself, several studies have shown that daily procedures significantly reduce the number of bacteria in the mouth, and effectively fight plaque and gum disease.

We have to disclaimer: there is no scientific evidence that oil pulling will whiten teeth. However, many regular practitioners of this alternative method note that their enamel has become several tones lighter. So why don’t you try it too? Especially considering that this method is absolutely safe!

Tip: after rinsing, you should not spit the oil into the sink – it is better to use a toilet bowl or a trash can for this. The fact is that after a while the oil can harden, which will cause significant damage to the drain pipes.

Brush your teeth with baking soda

It’s no secret that baking soda has a natural whitening effect and is the main ingredient in many kinds of toothpaste for this very reason. In addition, baking soda creates an alkaline environment in the mouth, which prevents the active reproduction of bacteria.

Yes, this is not a remedy that will whiten your teeth overnight, but after a while after regular cleaning with soda, you can see amazing results. There is no scientific evidence yet that brushing your teeth with baking soda will visibly whiten your enamel. However, other studies indirectly point to this: they confirm that the paste with soda in the composition has a visible whitening effect

To make your own dentifrice at home, simply mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with 2 teaspoons of water. You can brush your teeth with baking soda several times a week.

Use hydrogen peroxide – just be very careful!

Hydrogen peroxide, along with baking soda, has excellent bleaching and antibacterial properties. No wonder people have been using it for many years as a disinfectant for wounds!

Along with baking soda, peroxide is also actively added to the composition of many kinds of toothpaste, but we suggest that you use it in a much lower concentration. Many studies show that brushing your teeth with toothpaste containing peroxide and baking soda can whiten your teeth by several shades.

However, before you buy hydrogen peroxide in a pharmacy and start the home whitening procedure, you need to weigh all the risks! High concentrations of hydrogen peroxide can irritate the gums and make teeth sensitive.

Therefore, before rinsing your mouth with hydrogen peroxide, make sure you use a solution containing 1.5% or 3% for this – so you can avoid unpleasant side effects.

In addition to rinsing, you can also make homemade toothpaste with peroxide and baking soda. To do this, mix 2 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide with 1 teaspoon of baking soda and gently brush your teeth with this mixture. However, it is not recommended to use such a paste more than several times a week – this can lead to the destruction of tooth enamel.

Eat more pineapples and strawberries

A diet high in fruits and vegetables can be good not only for your figure but also for your teeth! Yes, ripe fruits do not replace traditional brushing, but they help to naturally remove plaque during chewing.

Strawberries and pineapple are claimed by many to have the best whitening properties. So, brightening the enamel with a mixture of strawberries and baking soda is especially popular even with many celebrities.

Proponents of this folk method claim that the malic acid found in strawberries will whiten your teeth, while baking soda will remove stains from them. However, there is no scientific confirmation of this miracle effect yet.

Therefore, if you decide to still try this method on yourself, do not repeat the procedure more than a couple of times a week. Otherwise, you can only make things worse. Well, now the recipe for a simple folk remedy for whitening teeth: mash some fresh strawberries and mix them with baking soda. You can start cleaning!

Similar legends about the magical whitening properties go about pineapple. They are based on studies looking at toothpaste that contains bromelain, an enzyme found in pineapples. Experiments have shown that such products are more effective in removing stains from teeth than simple toothpaste. But, again, to scientifically confirm that the pineapple itself has the same whitening effect, while no one is taken!

Avoid coloring products

The best way to avoid enamel discoloration is to take care of it in advance! Limit the number of foods that stain your teeth in your diet. These, alas, include coffee, red wine, soda, and dark berries, beloved by many.

This does not mean that now you should completely exclude these products from your menu in the name of a white-toothed smile. Your goal is to limit the amount of time these foods are in contact with your teeth. It is also recommended that you brush your teeth 30 minutes after eating staining foods or drinks to minimize their effect on the color of the enamel.

Smoking also contributes to the yellowness of the teeth, so it is also better to quit this bad habit – as they say, you will be healthier (and more beautiful!)!

What other changes to make to your diet to make your teeth whiter? Limit the amount of sugar. It provokes the spread of bacteria that cause plaque and gum disease. After eating foods with a lot of sugar in the composition, also do not forget to brush your teeth.

Include foods rich in calcium in your diet. They strengthen the enamel, which helps keep your teeth pearly white for as long as possible! A lot of calcium is found in milk, cheese, and broccoli – focus on them in your diet.

Don’t underestimate dental floss

Most often, teeth turn yellow due to natural causes with the passage of age. However, sometimes the enamel changes color due to the accumulation of plaque. Regular brushing and flossing will help solve this problem.

While the paste cleans the teeth themselves, the floss helps fight bacteria in the mouth, thereby preventing plaque buildup.

Unproven but popular home whitening methods

There are several simple ways to whiten your teeth at home, the effectiveness and safety of which have not yet been scientifically confirmed.

Among them:

  • Brushing your teeth with activated charcoal, which allegedly helps remove toxins and fight stains on enamel;
  • Brushing teeth with kaolin clay ;
  • Rubbing the teeth with orange, lemon, or banana peels ;
  • Rinsing the mouth with apple cider vinegar – it is believed that this method, on the contrary, contributes to the destruction of enamel.

Yes, the proponents of these methods claim that they do work. However, we will make a reservation again: there is no scientific evidence for their safety and effectiveness!

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Sara https://techbrazzers.com/

Sarah Maynard is the author of Tech Brazzers. She is excited you are here — because you’re a lot alike, you and her. Tech Brazzers is a blog that’s dedicated to serving to folks find out about technology, business, lifestyle, and fun, and of course, we are not porno…lol

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