March 10, 2024

In modern Ukrainian society, there are many stereotypes that limit women. Ukrainian women still face stereotypes about women and gender inequality – this applies to various areas of life: family, work, society.

To get to know Ukrainian women better, Avon conducted a large-scale national study of the modern woman, which involved 1,000 Ukrainian women aged 18-65. The company supports girls in their quest to be happy and healthy, successful and financially independent, creates beauty accessible to everyone. Avon is committed to eradicating gender stereotypes that prevent women from believing in themselves and showing the world what they are capable of.

The majority of Ukrainians believe that gender equality is ensured only at the level of civil rights and freedoms: the opportunity to vote, work and study under the same conditions. At the same time, in everyday life, women face infringement and stereotypes in relation to themselves. The most common of them:

  • A woman should be attached to the house and to her family: to raise children and care for family members, while a man may not do this. A woman is responsible for all household chores (44% faced the stereotype)
  • A woman must be monogamous, while a man can be polygamous. Misdemeanors of a man are justified, and women are condemned
  • A woman is perceived as weaker and less intelligent – she cannot occupy leadership positions and highly intelligent positions (28% said that women need to put in more effort, 25% – a man is more likely to get a job). Men are more often hired, as women are forced to take sick leave due to children’s illnesses and maternity leave (30% of women said they were scolded for sick leave). Women are paid less (35% experienced
  • A woman should always be attractive and well-groomed, while she should not go out with friends, go to parties – this is unacceptable for her, but for a man it is the norm. There is a stereotype that a woman cannot drive a car.

Most often, modern Ukrainian women have to deal with inequality in the professional sphere. Despite the fact that work is recognized as an individual choice for everyone, Ukrainian women agree that a woman should work. Women are afraid not to reveal their potential, plunge into depression due to lack of self-realization or financial and psychological dependence

Some stereotypes in the professional sphere are supported by women themselves: more than half (57%) of women believe that a man should earn more than a woman, 69% agree that there are “male” and “female” professions. Overwhelming opinion: a woman should earn as much as she can, and as much as necessary for personal expenses. It is important for a man to earn more to maintain self-confidence. Those who attach less importance to finances in the family still talk about the dominance of men in other areas. At the same time, young Ukrainian women are less inclined to the gender division of professions and more often talk about gender equality.

Among the stereotypes of Ukrainian women is also the fear of going to work with a small child. Many people believe that leaving early and prioritizing their careers leads to feelings of guilt or regret about wasted time. This is not surprising, because every 3rd woman puts children in the first place in her life. 32% of women put themselves in 1st place. Parents and husbands for Ukrainian women are often in 2nd and 3rd place. 14% of women put themselves even below 5th place.

About the study

The All-Ukrainian Women’s Study was commissioned by Kantar and commissioned by Avon in July 2020 to identify the most significant opportunities and barriers for Ukrainian women in order to help them. The survey involved 1000 respondents, women aged 18-65, represented by a representative population of Ukraine by age, region, type of settlement.

Avon is the #1 beauty brand in Ukraine. The mission of the company is to create the best solutions and opportunities for women. Since 2019, Avon has announced a global platform – “ZaradiNeї”, which is designed to improve the lives of 100 million women annually. Until 2030, Avon will work globally to ensure that women around the world have equal business opportunities, feel secure, healthy, and free from the pressure of stereotypes about beauty. In September 2020, the company in Ukraine rebranded. In the “Axis What I Can” communication, Avon inspires women to do what is usually not expected of them – to change their lives and be successful in all important roles at once: mother, wife, professional.

For infographic

  • 79% of Ukrainian women have personally encountered or heard from friends about gender inequality

Some stereotypes in the professional sphere are supported by women themselves:

  • 57% of women believe that a man should earn more than a woman
  • 69% agree that there are “male” and “female” professions

Ukrainians tend to self-sacrifice:

Every 3rd person puts her children in the 1st place in her life. For 32% of women, they are in first place for themselves. Parents and husbands for Ukrainian women are often in second and third place. 14% of women rank themselves even below 5th place

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Sara https://techbrazzers.com/

Sarah Maynard is the author of Tech Brazzers. She is excited you are here — because you’re a lot alike, you and her. Tech Brazzers is a blog that’s dedicated to serving to folks find out about technology, business, lifestyle, and fun, and of course, we are not porno…lol

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