Web Protection For Users: How To Improve It?

March 1, 2024

The expansion of the internet, cloud computing, and the popularization of smartphones have put us in an unimaginable situation until a while ago: we are connected 24 hours a day.

 In fact, there are many positive factors in these advances, as access to information has never been more democratic. However, they also require greater concern for web protection.

In the corporate world, most meetings are now held by videoconferencing and home office work continues to dominate the market. But the sophistication of online tools has also widened the window of action for cybercriminals. These, in turn, create the most varied maneuvers to invade business systems.

In this scenario, investing in employee web protection has become paramount for companies that recognize their commitment to the security of their data. Next, understand in more detail the importance of investing in strategies to ensure security in the digital environment.

Why is it important to invest in web protection for users?

Well, the fact that we are connected 24 hours a day, entering the most diverse sites, clicking on advertisements, and downloading content, is already a factor that deserves our full attention. That’s because, instead of accessing the content we want, we may actually be getting into malicious sources. These fonts infect the machine sometimes almost imperceptibly.

In this way, silent malware is unintentionally downloaded by users and is usually accompanied by some software or functional file that the user had actually gone after.

In addition, there are criminals who specialize in cloning famous websites and getting people’s sensitive data, such as bank details, by tricking them into downloading seemingly harmless programs. Therefore, when it comes to the internet, we have to be suspicious and invest in protection strategies.

How does web protection contribute to increasing user productivity?

Access to social networks does not represent a direct risk to the security of a computer, but the misuse of these platforms, during working hours, can compromise the user’s performance.

It’s hard to resist the temptation to take a peek at Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, but what’s supposed to be just a brief expiation can stretch into an endless loop of hyperlinks. If the role of a given employee is not directly linked to the company’s social media management, that time will be lost and the work will not solve itself, will it?

Web protection solutions contribute to increasing the productivity of a company’s employees. The implementation of navigation filters, for example, serves both to prevent users from accessing malicious links or clicking on a fake email. It even serves for the manager to block inappropriate sites for the employees’ work routine, such as social networks.

The result of this control is an increase in the productivity and efficiency of the team since the delay results in work done in a hurry, which is not always delivered with the required quality standard. In the end, users can take this habit outside the company and better control the times they use social networks.

Of course, the company doesn’t need to create petrified rules regarding the use of social networks. With the time-based browsing policies that most web protection tools offer, the manager can modify the blacklist rules to allow employees to visit non-work-related sites outside of standard business hours.

This flexibility is also important for maintaining productivity and retaining the company’s talent.

How can N-able RMM help with web protection for users?

Now that you know the importance of web protection for users and how it contributes to increasing productivity in companies, let’s get to know one of the best tools on the market, which has this important function among its attributes.

We are talking about RMM N-able RMM, which has as one of its main features a tool called Web Protection. This is an End Point-level navigation filter. In other words, Web Protection, when installed on the computer, is the last communication layer on that machine.

With this functionality, everything that is extracted from the machine to the web, be it an email server synchronizing messages, or simply the user typing something in a browser is passed through the Web Protection filter. There are two filtering policies for its operation, one for security and the other for content.

See each one in detail:

  • The security policy prevents access to destinations classified as unsafe, such as fraudulent links, false advertisements, and malicious content;
  • The content policy, on the other hand, prevents the user from accessing diverse content, such as sites with illegal themes, relationships, and travel — totaling 70 categories in which all filtering is done.

What is Web Protection?

Web Protection focuses on user protection and security. The default function of the tool is to prevent the user or any application running in the background from communicating with any malicious website.

The tool has an intuitive and easy-to-use interface, allowing the MSP, which already has RMM active, to configure Web Protection on all machines with a few clicks and without having to go directly to the device to install it. of your customers.

With this, it will be possible to create policies and modifications that are applied to all machines at once. Furthermore, it becomes possible to create exceptions, releasing one of the sites that are listed in one of the blocked categories, for example.

In this post, we saw how web protection is an essential factor amid so many devices that we have to access the digital environment today. With a quality tool, you can protect corporate data against attacks that cause serious damage, such as ransomware, and at the same time improve company productivity.

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Digital · Tech
Sara https://techbrazzers.com/

Sarah Maynard is the author of Tech Brazzers. She is excited you are here — because you’re a lot alike, you and her. Tech Brazzers is a blog that’s dedicated to serving to folks find out about technology, business, lifestyle, and fun, and of course, we are not porno…lol

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