February 15, 2024

We all know that it is possible to have sex without love. But is it possible to love without sex?

More and more couples are choosing a rather strange form of relationship from the point of view of conservatives: they do not have sex and they are quite fine without it. Let’s figure out if a relationship in which there is no sexual desire is normal.

Platonic relationship

We know the term “platonic love” and “platonic relationship” from school, and it comes to us either in history lessons or in literature lessons.

Platonic love is a sublime relationship that is based on a spiritual attraction, not a physical one.

They come from the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, who in his work talked about this kind of love. According to Plato, ideal love is purely spiritual.

Later, Socrates explains that there are two types of love: earthly love and divine love, and this term is often found in various other philosophies and even religions. So, for example, in Sufism, there is its analog.

Is it normal?

If there is no sex in your relationship, but they do not suffer from this, do not rush to wind yourself up and think that something is wrong with you. Pop culture tells us that a couple should have a lot of sex.

But what is a lot?

For some, sex is like brushing your teeth – you need it in the morning and in the evening, and preferably after eating too. And for someone, “a lot of sex” equals “once a month.” Roughly speaking, everyone is poisoned as he likes.

Sex is part of living together and continuing to communicate. It’s good when he is. It’s great when he’s cool. But it is not necessary. Think for yourself, without what you can live: without food or sex?

If someone doesn’t need sex to be happy with their partner, that’s their smart choice.


Why do people choose it?

Why are people in relationships but not having sex? There are a number of reasons for this:

  • Health status (which cannot be changed);
  • Education and religion;
  • Temperament;
  • Mutual agreements;
  • Worldview;
  • Orientation.

Orientation: asexuality and antisexuality

Bisexuality, heterosexuality, and homosexuality are talked about quite often, we all hear about them, but when it comes to asexuality, everyone stops and starts to get confused. Also confusing is the term anti-sexuality with multiple meanings.

But both of these terms are about the same thing: the absence of sex.

Asexual vs Antisexual: What’s the Difference?

Although they sound similar, they should not be confused.

  • Asexuality is about people who partially or completely do not experience sexual desire. Asexuals can have sex and procreate, but do not imply a positive or negative attitude towards sex. It also has nothing to do with not wanting or wanting to have children. Asexuality is not celibacy and conscious abstinence
  • Anti-sexuality is a system of beliefs directed against all forms of sexuality. Anti-sexualism is expressed in religious forms and often compares sexuality to a form of addiction. The antisexual abstains from sex but may want it, unlike the asexual.

Is it normal?

If no one’s rights are infringed upon, there is no violence against anyone – yes. Being asexual or being anti-sex (for yourself) is completely normal and you can live like that.

When it’s not okay

Another thing is when the refusal of sex occurred unexpectedly, and before that it was. If you notice that sex has disappeared from your relationship somewhere, but you and your partner did not agree on this, you should think about whether there is a problem here.

Why doesn’t she want sex?

Information for men. Here’s why your partner may not want sex:

  • Painful experiences (difficult childbirth/pregnancy, rape, toxic relationship, illness, surgery);
  • Traumatic childhood;
  • Subconscious fear of getting pregnant;
  • Excessive stress at home or at work;
  • Monotony and boredom in relationships;
  • Asexuality or homosexuality;
  • Rejection of oneself and one’s body.

Why doesn’t he want sex?

Psychologists have realized that men usually refuse sex even more often than women. And that’s why:

  • Painful experiences (rape, toxic relationships, surgeries, and illness);
  • Traumatic childhood and toxic relationship with mother/carer;
  • There was no father in the family (the boy was not taught to be a man, there was no role model Before his eyes);
  • Stress at home or at work;
  • Monotony and boredom;
  • Homosexuality or asexuality;
  • Low self-esteem;
  • Bad habits (drug addiction, alcoholism).

Also, problems in relationships can begin due to joint grievances, and a lack of spiritual closeness. In this case, you need to contact a sexologist, or a psychologist and establish a dialogue in the first place.

Forcing a partner to intimacy that he does not want is not okay and is punishable by imprisonment for a term of three to fifteen years, depending on the severity and frequency.

Article Categories:
Relationship · Sex

Sarah Maynard is the author of Tech Brazzers. She is excited you are here — because you’re a lot alike, you and her. Tech Brazzers is a blog that’s dedicated to serving to folks find out about technology, business, lifestyle, and fun, and of course, we are not porno…lol

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