Main Trends In IT management For The Coming Years

February 17, 2024

Technology is evolving at an ever-increasing speed. Every year, new trends in IT management emerge and new technological solutions are presented on the market,

as we are in the middle of the digital transformation era, it is up to the good manager to identify which of these innovations adapt to the needs of their business.

In this scenario, it is necessary to know what are the main trends in IT management for the coming years to implement those that will deliver a competitive advantage.

For a technological solution to be effective, it must not only transform industrial and operational processes; it is necessary that it presents disruptive technologies, that is, that it changes the level of its functionalities. The impact must be internal and external, positively affecting the user experience, business models, and organizational culture.

IT management trends

In this post, we will list some of the main IT management trends for the coming years, understanding how each of them contributes to the advancement of digital transformation. Check out!

Data protection and management is one of the trends in IT management

In recent years, several cases of data leakage related to large companies have become public. With cybercriminals increasingly equipped and ready to deal with the most sophisticated security systems, an alert has been raised for IT managers, who need to develop and seek solutions to protect data, an increasingly valuable asset.

There is a race in search of solutions that guarantee the protection of data and passwords through encryption. The technology used in cryptocurrencies — the blockchain — emerges as a major trend, with the encryption and private security model — the sidechains.

The purpose of this encryption model is to ensure the protection of information during the storage and transaction of data between the employees of a company. After all, with the security that encryption offers and preventing that, if intercepted, the information is decrypted.

Automation of data collection

The many data that a company can have access to, from internal and external sources, as precious as they are for management, become increasingly difficult to analyze and structure.

The strategic collection of large volumes requires the adoption of autonomous systems that can, through artificial intelligence, automate this collection and accelerate responses to market needs, faster than competitors, in addition to identifying threats before they become a problem.

It is up to managers to develop or search the market for systems that allow data integration, that is equipped with automation tools, and that allow effective collection. Data automation is a big challenge in this regard. After all, it is this technology that will allow the manager to identify which, in the midst of this sea of ​​information, are the relevant data, the best tools, and qualified professionals to deal with all these apparatus.

Automation of information analysis

The automation of collection allows the separation of data that adds value from those that do not. However, just collecting the data is not enough, they need to deliver results. In this scenario, the automation of the analysis gains the same importance as the collection. We know that Big Data has an enormous influence on information management, especially in activities related to market intelligence.

It is up to IT managers to keep up to date on the latest trends related to automated analysis, knowing the main statistical and modeling tools. For example, you can choose the ones that best suit your company’s strategies.

Not every new tool needs to be adopted, even if it is one of the trends in IT management

It is not because new technological solutions appear every year that the company must adopt them all. It is necessary that the chosen solution aligns with the company’s needs, and not the opposite, that the tools become an extra cost and force the corporation to create solutions so that the ROI is positive.

A good alternative to stay tuned and have the opportunity to work with customized solutions is for the manager to work for the company to form partnerships with good providers of information management software.

In this scenario, both sides benefit, as the company starts to work with customized tools, which enhance decision-making analysis, and the provider starts to have a real company as a basis for the improvement of its system, and not generic tests. , which will add value to your product.

Intelligent integration of enterprise systems

Systems integration is no longer a trend. With companies increasingly dependent on their IT infrastructures, it is difficult to imagine an environment in which corporate systems do not “talk” to each other and integrate data from different sectors into a centralized database, to facilitate analysis and decisions. of decision.

Despite this need, most companies still use separate systems for each operation. We can mention CRM, ERP, social media, and intranet management platforms, for example. Most managers recognize the imminent need to integrate these tools or, at the very least, create a single point of access to all relevant systems.

Although necessary, technical integration must be evaluated very carefully. It is up to the manager to identify the real need for this integration, avoiding the loss of resources and waste of work.

Cognitive Technologies

We talk about automation, integration, and the technologies that create the foundation of this new moment we live in, such as the Internet of Things, Business Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Cloud Computing, and Machine Learning. But there is a technological trend that can represent a disruption in several pre-established concepts: cognitive technologies.

We can define cognitive technologies as solutions capable of generating logic and insights that go beyond pre-programmed orders by humans. For you to understand better, let’s go to the 3 key elements of cognition:

  • Understanding — which is nothing more than the ability to extract patterns from a large volume of information, creating concepts, relationships, etc.;
  • Reasoning — is the search for answers in these patterns, facilitating the resolution of problems autonomously, without previous programming;
  • Learning — are the conclusions drawn from all this data structuring and that will add value to the final objective.

The power of cognitive computing

A taste of the power of cognitive computing was given in the year 2011 by the technology giant IBM. The Watson Supercomputer participated in a question and answer contest against 2 human players, champions of competitions of the genre. The machine beat the competitors with a large point advantage.

Currently, Watson is being used in several corners of the world, including Brazil, collaborating with very important activities, such as medicine. The computer can, through its recognition of patterns in images and cross-referencing data from other patients, draw a precise diagnosis and indicate the most appropriate treatment according to each case.

Trends in IT management launch a great challenge for professionals who need, in addition to being constantly updated, to seek the qualifications that fit this new moment. Automation has required an increasingly keen eye from managers and has increased market demand. It is necessary to combine updating, identifying trends, and applying those that really add value to the business.

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Sarah Maynard is the author of Tech Brazzers. She is excited you are here — because you’re a lot alike, you and her. Tech Brazzers is a blog that’s dedicated to serving to folks find out about technology, business, lifestyle, and fun, and of course, we are not porno…lol

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