It’s not about the diet: 5 reasons why losing weight is harder than ever

February 16, 2024

The idea of ​​losing extra (and not so) pounds is not new. For some it is a matter of beauty, for others, it is a matter of health. There can be quite a few reasons why you can’t lose weight,

but one will definitely surprise you – it’s much harder for us today to lose weight than for those who lost weight 20-30 years ago. And that’s why.

It is not the first time that scientists surprise us and the whole world with their discoveries. One of the last concerns metabolism. They claim that it certainly slows down over time, but it doesn’t happen at all when we thought. Almost the entire adult age, the metabolic rate remains unchanged, and therefore now one cannot blame a slowed metabolism for the fact that because of it it is more difficult to lose weight after 40 than in 20 years.

The results of another study are also quite unexpected. The authors of the article, which was published in the journal Obesity Research & Clinical Practice, argue that it is more difficult for us modern people who have embarked on the path of weight loss to do this than for those who lost weight 20, 30 or 40 years ago. And these are not unfounded statements, but the result of many years of observation and research, in which 35 thousand people took part.

What did the scientists do? They collected data on the diet and physical activity of US residents in 1971, 1988, 2006, and 2008, analyzed them, and calculated the number of calories consumed, as well as the level of physical activity. After that, they came to an unexpected conclusion: in order to stay in shape and maintain the same body mass index, a modern person needs to eat less and burn more calories. The researchers not only made such a conclusion but also found 5 reasons that lead to such an effect and prevent us, modern people, from losing weight.

5 things that prevent you from losing weight

endocrine disruptors

In our food and our environment, there is a huge amount of substances called endocrine disruptors. They, getting into our bodies, act like hormones. So, scientists have found that bisphenol A, which is a common component of many packages, can enter the body, accumulate in it and provoke obesity.

You can reduce your intake of endocrine disruptors by eating less processed, canned, and processed foods, and opting for fresh or home-cooked foods.


Some medications can cause weight gain. Modern people use more drugs than 20-40 years ago, for example, antidepressants and other drugs that are used to treat mental disorders.

It is now less embarrassing to be treated for depression and take psychiatrist-prescribed drugs (although the stigma still remains), but some of these drugs can interfere with appetite or metabolism, leading to weight gain.

It is clear that it is impossible to cancel medications on your own, and the appearance of unwanted side effects, even if it is weight gain, should be discussed with your doctor. It is possible that he will adjust the dose or select other suitable drugs.

Artificial sweeteners

Sugar-free products are on store shelves now, and definitely more than two or three decades ago. At the same time, they only create the illusion of healthier and less high-calorie foods. 

In fact, consumption of such foods may increase weight gain: One study showed that Diet Coke drinkers were three times fatter in the waist than regular cola drinkers, even though their diet and physical activity levels were otherwise the same. Recall that excess fat at the waist is a risk factor for the development of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.

In general, a healthier strategy would be to avoid pseudo-diet foods and foods that only pretend to be healthy – foods with sugar substitutes can often be more harmful and high in calories than their “regular” alternatives.

The problem with the microbiome

In recent years, a lot of research has been done and it has been proven that intestinal bacteria are much more than just bacteria that inhabit the intestines. Violations of the composition of the microbiome can lead not only to digestive problems but also to metabolic disorders (and weight gain!), mental disorders, such as depression, and weakened immunity.

The composition of the gut microbiome is influenced by our diet, medication, and lifestyle. Bacteria in the gut can become worse when antibiotics are taken or if there is not enough fiber in the diet.

Lack of sleep

This is not news: modern life dictates its terms, and we sleep less than ever. And it’s not just about work (but about it too). We are surrounded by gadgets that beckon us not to go to bed on time, but instead, hang out on social networks before bed (and instead of sleep).

The link between lack of sleep and weight gain has already been proven – people who sleep little gain weight faster and get rid of extra pounds more difficult. It is worth trying to improve sleep and sleep at least 7 hours a day. This will positively affect not only weight but also health in general

Article Categories:
Health · Healthy Lifestyle

Sarah Maynard is the author of Tech Brazzers. She is excited you are here — because you’re a lot alike, you and her. Tech Brazzers is a blog that’s dedicated to serving to folks find out about technology, business, lifestyle, and fun, and of course, we are not porno…lol

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