March 11, 2024

At the very beginning of a relationship, it is only a spark to slip between lovers – as a violent flame immediately flares up! But a year or two passes – and the nights are no longer so hot. Libido is affected not only by time but also by stress, routine, emergency jobs… How do push all these “cooling factors” into the background and return passion?

Learn to switch

Each of us has different social roles: at work, we play one, with friends – another. And in a love relationship, we appear in a completely different, special, unique way. But sometimes, after returning home from the office, we cannot switch from the “good employee” mode to the “tender lover” mode. And this affects our relationship with a partner. Of course, at the click of a finger, it is impossible to take and “reincarnate”. To help yourself, let your body relax and your head empty. A massage, a bath, or a short walk will help you switch.

Add spice

Our sexual arousal is influenced by the male hormone testosterone. Yes, yes, and on female attraction too! But sometimes, in order to cause its outburst, we need something unusual – some kind of emotional shake-up, risk. To do this, of course, you do not need to walk with your loved one arm in arm through dangerous areas, asking for trouble. But a day spent at the amusement park can spur desire: you and your partner will surely feel that you have suddenly increased interest in each other! Also, active games, sports (including shooting), new impressions are very exciting.

Bring back your lover!

When you and your partner live together for a long time, violent emotions in relation to him give way to tenderness, affection, gratitude. This is absolutely normal. But if feelings are not spurred on a little, then in the end you will see in your husband not a hero-lover, but a brother or friend. To avoid this, try to rid the relationship of the so-called “incestuousness.” Stop seeing a man as a relative who can run to the store for feminine hygiene products. Communicate with him on various topics, and not just on everyday ones. You are used to thinking that you are a single organism, and this interferes with your arousal. Mentally “separate” your husband from yourself: you are two independent people – with your own views, feelings, tastes.

Look from the side

Sexologists assure us: erotica for us is, first of all, a mystery. What attracts us most of all is that which is inaccessible, unrevealed. And when you see your partner day after day, you are constantly with him, he ceases to be at least some kind of mystery to you – and your attraction to him decreases.

But there is one little psychological trick that can reawaken your curiosity! Go with a man to a party or visit and watch him as if from a hundred sides, as if looking at him through the eyes of another woman. It might not be easy at first but try your best. And you will see what an interesting conversationalist he is, how smoothly he moves, elegantly pours wine into a glass. Do you already want to move closer to him or even retire?

Explore nature

Throughout the entire menstrual cycle, the female libido “jumps”. Desire may vanish one day and resurface with vehement force the next. Many women do not pay attention to this and take the temporary absence of passion as a constant. It’s scary that this will always be the case. They lose confidence in themselves and in their partner… But the recipe is simple: watch yourself and mark on the calendar those days when you were colder than Antarctica, and those when passion suddenly awakened in you. Now you know when is the best time to invite him into the bedroom. Let the nights be hot!

Article Categories:
Relationship · Sex

Sarah Maynard is the author of Tech Brazzers. She is excited you are here — because you’re a lot alike, you and her. Tech Brazzers is a blog that’s dedicated to serving to folks find out about technology, business, lifestyle, and fun, and of course, we are not porno…lol

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