Get it out immediately! 12 items not meant for self-satisfaction

March 3, 2024

If you want to show imagination in the matter of self-satisfaction – great! But first, look for funny stories about people inserting food into their vaginas and getting their penis into pieces of furniture. 

Creative? Undoubtedly. Safely? Not always. In addition, this area is surrounded by many myths that are not debunked, because it is not customary to talk about it in society. But we have nothing to be ashamed of! Sex and relationship experts comment on common situations.

For women

The best toys are made of silicone. They are easy to clean and take care of hygiene. But what should not be used even in wild fantasies:

1. Hot dog

Bacteria easily enter the vaginal area from undercooked meat. Serious, of course, you can’t pick it up like that, but a burning sensation is guaranteed.

2. Cucumber, carrots, and other phallic foods

Bacteria, as well as pesticides and chemicals that are sprayed on vegetables, will not do anything useful for the vagina. But a fairly well-known story about how one girl tore the skin inside with a carrot and died from an air embolism is a myth. This happens to deep-sea divers (and certainly not due to a vaginal rupture!), but in ordinary life, for this, you need to mistakenly introduce a strong contrast during a surgical operation.

3. Plastic or glass bottles

And again bacteria. Plus the likelihood of visiting the emergency room due to pushing the object too deep inside. And the bottle might break. Nothing good either.

4. Markers

Hard objects can damage the inner walls of the vagina. And the marker can open the cap …

5. Handle from a mop or broom

Terrible option! Wood should not be used for games at all – bacteria and splinters (imagine the latter in paint!).

6. Curling iron

First, it must be turned off. Secondly, small diameter. Third, put it aside.

7. Screwdriver, flashlight, and more

Sharp edges can injure the vagina, batteries, and covers – get inside and “disappear” before the next x-ray. Besides, if the tools were stored in a pantry or garage and sprayed for pests, who knows what breed there on their surface?

8. Candles and soap

Allergies and burning are the least of the consequences. Scented objects have no place inside at all, as well as heating and luminous ones.

For men

In addition to the items above, which, if desired, can be inserted into another hole, doctors warn about items that men can use.

1. Recess soap and other items

Natural lubricant dries up, and inflammation begins.

2. Watermelon

Inflammation of the urethra – urethritis – due to the penetration of the juice.

3. Pie

The same goes for bacteria and inflammation. Complications are also possible due to the sugar content in the pie.

4. Shoes

A hard surface may damage the head. Insufficiently clean shoes inside will “share” the fungus. If you really feel like it, it is better to take a clean, unworn copy.

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Sarah Maynard is the author of Tech Brazzers. She is excited you are here — because you’re a lot alike, you and her. Tech Brazzers is a blog that’s dedicated to serving to folks find out about technology, business, lifestyle, and fun, and of course, we are not porno…lol

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