Dissatisfied With Their Sexual Life Than Married Men

March 3, 2024

Single and divorced people have questioned their sexual life to a greater extent (21%) than married people or those who live with a partner (15%).

Despite lifestyle changes in recent months, most Spanish men feel satisfied with their sex life. This is what the data from the 1st Barometer of Male Sexual Health in Spain produced by MYHIXEL, a Spanish startup aimed at improving male intimate well-being, for which they have interviewed 1,500 men between 16 and 65 years of age from all Spanish regions. These data are poured on 11-11, a key date in Chinese iconography where the number 1 means absolute singularity. In 1993 a group of students decided to stand up to the traditional February 14, Valentine’s Day, the month of November has the celebration of World Singles Day as a milestone.

Thus, despite the fact that almost 6 out of 10 Spaniards declare that they are very or quite satisfied with their sexual life, it is the singles who are less optimistic. Of all the groups surveyed and despite the prejudice that marriage can be a symbol of lethargy in matters related to sexual life, married men or men with a partner are happier with their sexual life (63.4%) than single men (42 %). Even the post-covid situation accentuates that more than 27% of single men are “little or not at all happy” with their intimate life.

Despite the fact that almost 6 out of 10 Spaniards declare that they are very or quite satisfied with their sexual life, it is the singles who are less optimistic

Far from being surprising data, MYHIXEL experts consider that attitudes and fears after Covid-19 have changed. ”Many single people continue to dread direct physical encounters when it comes to dating new partners. That is why practices such as sexting continue to grow, while the classic face-to-face date, and the subsequent sexual encounter, are less common than before the pandemic. On the other hand, sexual satisfaction in stable couples has been reinforced, especially in those cases in which free time and coexistence have increased, due to teleworking,” says Anel Martínez, sexual coach at MYHIXEL.


Other data also emerge from this first barometer, such as the fact that single and divorced people have questioned their sexual life to a greater extent (21%) than married people or those who live with a partner (15%). And regarding the concern that their partner enjoys intimate relationships, those who live as a couple are significantly more concerned that the other person does not reach orgasm than the single/separated person. In this way, compared to the first who declare feeling more committed to the pleasure of their partners, in more than 84%, those who do not have a regular partner reach 78%.

These figures can explain another of the points that emerge from the study, and that is that those who have a partner give more importance to the duration of relationships than single or divorced people, although both consider that it is very or quite Ejaculatory control is important to have a full sexual life. Those who have a partner give a little more importance to having sex in a relationship than those who do not. Also, the use of sex toys is more typical in married/living with a partner, while sexting occurs more among single/separated people.

It can also explain the difference in the degree of satisfaction that married people are safer when sleeping with someone than single or separated people. Since 58% of the former declare that they have never or hardly ever felt insecure when they went to bed with another person, this percentage drops to 47% in the case of singles.

Article Categories:
Relationship · Sex
Sara https://techbrazzers.com/

Sarah Maynard is the author of Tech Brazzers. She is excited you are here — because you’re a lot alike, you and her. Tech Brazzers is a blog that’s dedicated to serving to folks find out about technology, business, lifestyle, and fun, and of course, we are not porno…lol

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