March 12, 2024

Scientists at the University of Texas counted 237 reasons why people make love. And we’ll talk about the most important ones.

Sex makes you smarter

Someone thinks that this is just an instinct for procreation. In vain! American neurophysiologists have proven that regular sex improves brain function and stimulates the growth of new nerve cells that are responsible for memory and learning. Moreover, older people who are sexually active maintain mental clarity longer! However, to increase the intellectual level, sex alone is not enough. You also need to train your brain!

Sex heals

Do you often catch a cold, catch one virus after another? Maybe you should put yourself on bed rest? Sex brings not only pleasure but also strengthens the immune system! Repeat the “procedures” 2-3 times a week: this will increase the level of antibodies in the body, which will protect you from colds and infections. A full-fledged intimate life will help lower cholesterol levels, prevent the development of atherosclerosis, normalize blood pressure, and avoid stroke and heart attack. The results of studies by Australian scientists show that women who experience orgasm 3 times a week have a significantly reduced risk of developing breast cancer. And in men, with the same activity, the likelihood of prostate cancer is reduced!

150 kcal are burned during intimacy. But if you make love very actively, you can lose 350 kcal! True, for this you need to “exercise” for at least an hour.

Sex rejuvenates

What people just do not come up with to help us look more beautiful and younger. But nature has invented a reliable and very pleasant way – sex. During sexual intercourse, the production of estrogen increases in the body of a woman. These hormones regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands, improve the condition of hair and nails. They help moisturize the skin, make it smoother, toned, and silky. According to German scientists, estrogens fight free radicals, slowing down the aging process. A good reason to save on expensive cosmetics! Even a slight excitement, dispersing the blood, adorns the woman’s face with a natural blush. And what a sparkle in her eyes appears when she is in love!

Sex slims

Going in for sports is important and necessary, who would argue! But how hard it is to force yourself to go to the gym or at least do exercises in the morning … And then sex comes to the rescue, because this is a sport with pleasure! During intimate activities, different muscle groups are involved – the pelvis, legs, buttocks, chest, arms.

Sex brings joy

A wonderful cocktail of hormones that plunges us into a state of bliss – that’s how sex can be described. During intimacy, the human body releases the happy hormones endorphins, joyful serotonin, pleasurable dopamine, and the tenderness hormone oxytocin. But for true happiness, biochemistry alone is not enough. The psychological factor plays a huge role. If partners love, trust, and strive to please each other, then the love game will bring true pleasure and joy. Strong family relationships and regular sex increase life expectancy, increase self-esteem, and make us more successful!

Sex relaxes

You probably know that meditation helps to disconnect from busy everyday life. But the same effect (and much faster!) can be achieved in bed with your loved one. Sex reduces the levels of the stress hormone cortisol in the body and increases the production of oxytocin, which is called the hormone of love and trust. The latter causes a feeling of satisfaction reduces anxiety and fear and is excellent for insomnia.

Article Categories:
Relationship · Sex
Sara https://techbrazzers.com/

Sarah Maynard is the author of Tech Brazzers. She is excited you are here — because you’re a lot alike, you and her. Tech Brazzers is a blog that’s dedicated to serving to folks find out about technology, business, lifestyle, and fun, and of course, we are not porno…lol

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