February 15, 2024

Nowadays, a family psychologist is no longer a curiosity – now every self-respecting couple is ready to turn to a specialist if there are problems in the relationship. Of course, we focus on the feedback of friends and internal readiness. But sometimes you may not suspect that the time to go for a consultation has already come.

Our new expert author Alexey Ivanovich Golev, a practicing family psychologist, will talk about 7 main cases in which it is important to seek an appointment with a specialist.

Every family is darkness, and not only for others. Even loving people connected by family ties and family ties are not always able to deal with their problems.

Even with those that, at first glance from the outside, are not worth a penny. In such cases, family psychologists are always ready to help them.

Perhaps, in the period of the totalitarian past, the idea of ​​contacting such a specialist would have made everyone smirk, but now it becomes a step, often akin to calling an emergency. Why did it happen? There are many prerequisites for this, but this article will not be about that.

As much as we would not want to let strangers into our family problems, but sometimes it is simply necessary. It is a family psychologist in such cases that can become that “lifeline” that is able to adequately assess the current situation and help to sort it out.

It is also worth emphasizing that the consultation with such a specialist is confidential. Another plus is that the specialist does not know you and your surroundings at all before starting work, therefore, he is able to give your couple the opportunity to recognize the sore problem and push on ways to solve it.

Here are 7 main cases where you can’t do without the help of a family psychologist. According to statistics, it is with such problems that they most often come to a specialist.

1. Disagreements with children. Problems in the relationship between different generations have always existed.

But now, in the age of progress and the development of new technologies, the differences between generations are becoming more tangible. Those behavioral models that were used in the upbringing of more than one generation of children do not work now.

It is necessary to find new forms of approach to children, and the worldview of parents is not always able to recognize the challenges of the new time.

And the tips of the “ancestors” also exacerbate the current problem. As sad as it sounds, the experience of previous generations in raising children is now ineffective. Psychologists at school and family psychologists at the medical center will help resolve the problem.

2. Anxiety for no reason. And again the latest challenges! Modern man has so mired in a world ruled only by money that he is not able to understand himself.

Priorities are rapidly shifting, and what was a value a few years ago is now losing its weight. All these factors lead to cause less anxiety. It seems that he didn’t study something, didn’t manage to do something, missed something. It’s good if a loved one shares your anxiety and reassures you, but if not? What if his anxiety threshold is even higher?

What should a reasonable person do? Contact a family psychoanalyst.

3. Conflict. The “gift” is constantly going into conflict – it doesn’t matter, with colleagues or with relatives, it constantly prevents us from living.

The reasons for this are countless. And we will not perceive any of them in a state of conflict. But the folk wisdom: “If everyone around is bad, then you need to think about your own behavior” – no one has yet canceled.

And where to find the boundaries of “bad” and “good”? Go see a family psychologist! No one will give you a lecture on this topic, but they will definitely push you to your own conclusions.

4. Depression. When you can’t get rid of negative thoughts for a long time, and it seems that nothing will help; when you think that there is no way out of the current situation; when you lose your will to live…

You should contact a professional psychologist who will help you return to a normal life. Depression is not just a beautiful term, it is a serious disease that requires careful and long-term treatment. Turn to a professional – there will be no trace of depression!

5. Self-improvement. From all the media, we are told that a person simply does not have the right to live without improvement.

This is, of course, the correct position. After all, it is on this that the process of human evolution is built. But how to combine knowledge of five foreign languages, looks like an advanced model, and borscht in the kitchen? Such a resonance in the expectations of society will also help to balance family psychologists.

6. The problem of choice. She is present every day. We choose food, clothes, shoes, car, place of rest.

What about choosing a life partner? Everything about him is good, but is it him? These constant torments should be shared with a family psychologist.

7. Family planning. A very important issue for adults. When both have a well-established life and there is no free time even for relationships, how to recognize the right moment?

And if it has already arrived, and you consider yourself unprepared? And why do adults have such thoughts? And if you are still far from adulthood, and there are two strips on the test? Where to run? What to do? How to inform parents? Why not questions for a family psychologist?

No matter how difficult your life situations are, you should remember that you can always find a way out of them. And if you can’t do it yourself, you should turn to professionals.

About the author:

Alexey Ivanovich Golev is a practicing family psychologist.

He is the creator of individual programs for building and strengthening relationships in a couple and the author of methods for eliminating love addictions. For more than 10 years, she has been helping various families on the verge of divorce in their complicated and sometimes very difficult relationships.

Education: Moscow Institute of Psychology (Specialist Diploma). He graduated from advanced training courses in the areas of Gestalt therapy, psychodrama.


  • Psychosomatics;
  • Family relationships;
  • Neuroses;
  • Phobias;
  • Anxiety-phobic disorders.
Article Categories:
Family · Relationship
Sara https://techbrazzers.com/

Sarah Maynard is the author of Tech Brazzers. She is excited you are here — because you’re a lot alike, you and her. Tech Brazzers is a blog that’s dedicated to serving to folks find out about technology, business, lifestyle, and fun, and of course, we are not porno…lol

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