5 ways to keep sex in a long-term relationship

February 17, 2024

Sex is a very important aspect of any relationship. But as practice shows, even if everything was fine for a couple at the beginning, then over time any sex life becomes much worse or disappears altogether. What is the reason for this and how to prevent such an outcome?

As practice shows, most couples who have been together for a long time are disappointed in their sex life. But there are also men who, despite many years of family life, still madly want their wives.

Let’s note in advance: this is not about sex toys or Little Red Riding Hood and Gray Wolf costumes. We are talking about an external factor, and more specifically, about what happens between partners outside the bedroom. A huge role is played by how you communicate, how you show feelings, how much time you spend together. After all, couples usually remember tenderness and pleasant words just before sex. But relationships are so much more than just physical intimacy.

Sexologist’s Tip: The Habits of Couples Who Have a Great Sex Life

Natalia Ezhova spoke about the habits that make a couple’s sex life brighter

Long-term relationships and hard sex are not often associated with each other. However, it is actually possible to keep relationships fresh in the bedroom! Psychologist, sexologist of the reality “Exy” (New Channel) Natalya Yezhova spoke about the habits that make a couple’s sex life regular and vibrant.

“I often do a survey for couples on my social networks,” says the psychologist. — More than five thousand respondents participate in them. Couples with a vibrant sex life have certain habits.

  • Kisses. In couples, often kiss, bright sex. There is no monotony.
  • Touch. An important prelude, warm-up and body contact.
  • Go to bed together. Then there will be more chance of sex.
  • Stay alone. Betting is important to spend time without children and parents. So you can manifest for each other and declare your desires.
  • Wake up together. Men have better erections in the morning. Therefore, it is possible to realize its inner potential.

What helps maintain good sex years later?

1. Talk about sex

By the way, talking about sex has a positive effect on both the sexual process and your mental intimacy. A man is very excited when his woman is not afraid to say a couple of hot phrases. Even if the fear of speaking openly about such “shameful” things is present or you think that it is indecent, then at first you can tell it as if from the words of some distant acquaintance or girlfriend. Better yet, say that you had a dream about it in an erotic dream. You will be able to see your partner’s reaction to your words, and it will become easier for you, and shyness will disappear with time.

2. Your pleasure

The female anatomy is much more complex than the male. Unfortunately, we are less likely to have the opportunity to have fun than our partners. And as unfortunate as it may be, some men don’t even care about anything other than their orgasm. This is their big mistake!

If a woman feels satisfied, then her behavior and attitude towards sex change, she becomes more accommodating and wants to please her beloved in return. The quantity and quality of sex increases, and with that, relationships often return to normal.

3. New Thrills

Now let’s talk about experiments and the fact that diversifying your sex life with something new from time to time is a very good idea.

Treat yourself and buy nice new lingerie, some erotic costume, or something like that. Ready for more? Please. You can go to the sex shop, there you will also find a lot of spicy stuff.

The essence of this point is that you renew those feelings and emotions that were at the beginning when everything was still unusual and new for you.

Try watching a porn movie. This will act exciting and give a new experience.

4. Oh, this romance

Well, it’s not in vain that they came up with giving flowers, lighting candles, doing various pleasant little things to please a soul mate. After all, it is precisely such trifles that show that you care about a person, that you want to bring a little pleasure into his life. Therefore, it is worth creating an intimate atmosphere at least once a month. Turn off the phones, send the kids to mom, cook dinner together and the relationship will reach a new level.

5. Mindfulness

What kind of desire can we talk about it, sitting on top of a man, you think about whether you forgot to buy toilet paper home. Really? During the process, fully concentrate only on sex. No thoughts about kids, loans, work, a broken oven, a list of groceries to buy, etc. Know how to enjoy and give pleasure to a partner. And there, animal instincts will prompt everything and do everything instead of the two of you.

If you have problems with sex, try to think about each of these points and understand which one suits your case. And there is already a small matter: you need to talk with your husband about sex and find the right solution for you.

Article Categories:
Family · Health · Sex
Sara https://techbrazzers.com/

Sarah Maynard is the author of Tech Brazzers. She is excited you are here — because you’re a lot alike, you and her. Tech Brazzers is a blog that’s dedicated to serving to folks find out about technology, business, lifestyle, and fun, and of course, we are not porno…lol

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