reduce diastasis without surgery – MattsBabes Women's Health - Fitness, Nutrition, Sex, and Weight Loss Tips for Women Fri, 15 Mar 2024 15:29:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to remove a flabby and bulging belly after childbirth once and for all – there is a way! Fri, 15 Mar 2024 15:29:18 +0000

After childbirth, women often complain of a bulging tummy. One of the reasons may be diastasis. Together with an expert, we discussed all possible ways to get rid of it.

After childbirth, many girls often face a problem with the name diastasis, which is terrible at first glance. We are talking about a flabby and bulging belly, which cannot be removed either by sports or by proper nutrition. What remains to be done in such cases – to forget about the beautiful press forever? VOICE asked this question to a plastic surgeon who convinced us that all is not lost!

What is diastasis?

This is the divergence of the inner edges of the rectus abdominis muscles. It can occur in the third trimester of pregnancy due to an enlarged uterus and persist after childbirth. Among the common causes of diastasis is excess weight or heavy physical exertion. Not only women are at risk, but also weightlifters.

Is it possible to reduce diastasis without surgery?

Women are trying to reduce the belly with the help of diets, massages, and sports. But with diastasis, these methods are ineffective. Reducing calorie intake is relevant in the matter of overall weight loss, but does not affect the position of the muscles.

Isolated ab exercises can only make matters worse by further divergence. Massage and taping give a superficial effect, and after childbirth, they do not guarantee a result at all.

How to fix diastasis with plastic surgery?

Diastasis can only be eliminated surgically if more than a year has passed since birth. Abdominoplasty and mini-abdominoplasty are performed if there is excess skin and deformity of the abdominal wall. The doctor performs muscle plication through a skin incision, and brings them together, forming a sporty silhouette and a thin waist.

When there is no need to correct the skin-fat layer on the abdomen, and the BMI does not exceed 25 units, it is possible to eliminate diastasis and hernia through the umbilical fossa without additional incisions according to the author’s method of the doctor. Endoscopic muscle closure is also possible.

How is recovery after surgery?

After abdominoplasty, the patient needs to take care of the skin tone, and for this, wear compression underwear. Sometimes, to consolidate the result, they resort to hardware techniques.

If only diastasis correction was performed, it is enough to keep yourself in shape with proper nutrition and physical activity. In the first month, you can not lift weights so that there is no relapse.

What happens if you get pregnant after surgery?

Pregnancy after abdominoplasty will not prevent you from having a flat stomach in the future. But to maintain the results of the operation, moderate exercise and proper nutrition are needed. If you keep the weight normal and take care of yourself, re-diastasis can be avoided.

A bulging belly is not a sentence. Today, thanks to the achievements of plastic surgery, this problem is solved in a short time and without risk to health.
