Life hacks – MattsBabes Women's Health - Fitness, Nutrition, Sex, and Weight Loss Tips for Women Tue, 12 Mar 2024 19:34:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 30 ways to get slim legs – nutrition, life hacks, and home exercises Tue, 12 Mar 2024 19:34:28 +0000

Strong legs are the key to excellent physical shape. Thanks to pumped-up muscles, it will be easier for you not only to play sports but also to walk a lot and do everyday activities. If you want to get your feet in order, follow our advice.

Changing the shape of the legs through training is much easier than other parts of the body. The fact is that the legs are almost always involved in physical activity. And even ordinary daily activities can affect their improvement. 

If you want to pay special attention to your legs and quickly get them in order, try these exercises. The beauty of the legs with their regular performance is guaranteed! The main thing is to learn the rules for their implementation and choose your effective pace of classes.

10 exercises for slimming legs 

1. Squats

Squats are one of the best exercises for toning your legs. It also improves the shape of the buttocks, thighs, and abs. In addition, squats are ideal if you have back problems. If you perform them standing up and without additional weight, there will be no back strain.

For balance or extra support, do squats while standing against a wall, next to a chair, or on the edge of a table, holding an object with one hand. The main thing is to try not to transfer all the weight on your hands, focusing on the lower body.

2. Lunges

Lunges target the hips, glutes, and abs. This movement strains both legs at the same time, developing strength and endurance.

3. Plank with leg raises

Regular planks target the upper body, core, and thighs. To make the exercise more challenging, you can add leg raises to strengthen your glutes and upper legs.

4. Deadlift – no weights

The single-leg deadlift will build your glutes, thighs, and upper legs. Place your hands on a wall or chair for balance.

5. Bending the knee with the ball

Bending your knees on an exercise ball quickly tone your legs. This works the calves, shins, and abs. But, of course, you have to spend money on the ball.

6. Steps up

Steps are like squats, but only on one leg. Repetitive movements engage the hips, thighs, and buttocks. To perform the exercise, you will have to buy a special platform for aerobics.

7. Box jumping

In addition to the usual steps, you can jump on the aerobics platform! This explosive workout is one of the best ways to tone your legs, glutes, and core. The main thing is to put maximum emphasis on the upper part of the legs, so as not to damage the knees while jumping. It is best, before starting such workouts, to consult with a trainer so that he shows you how to properly tighten your muscles when performing this kind of exercise.

8. Skater jumping

Skater jumps or side jumps work the leg muscles well. This high-intensity movement also improves lunge strength and physical ability.

Start with small jumps, and over time you can increase the load.

9. Band Leg Press

A regular training rubber band will help to simulate classes on a professional simulator. This exercise targets the glutes, quads, hamstrings, and calves. First, try to work out with a well-stretched tape, and over time it can be replaced with a tighter version.

10. Bridge

Bridge tones thighs, thighs, buttocks and core. To make the exercise more difficult, you can tighten your thighs with a rubber band.

4 leg exercises 

1. Downward facing dog

The downward-facing dog works on stretching the whole body. This is a standard yoga pose that is great for strengthening the legs.

2. Touching the toes while sitting

This exercise involves the thighs, calves, and shins. Try to reach the end of the legs and touch the hips with the stomach. By the way, it also improves stretching!

3. Chair posture

The chair pose is a powerful stretch in the yoga system. The exercise works the hips and ankles, making it a great option for toning your legs.

4. Warrior I

Another yoga leg stretch is Warrior I. This full-body asana works the buttocks and thighs and improves posture.

5 ways to tone your legs fast 

1. Walk more

The simplest aerobic activity, such as walking, is one of the best exercises for toning your legs. Go whenever you can refuse transport. Over time, you can switch to running or start walking uphill.

2. Cycling

Now fashionable cycle training is one of the fastest ways to get your legs in order. It’s a high-intensity workout, but it’s a lot more joint-friendly than standard jogging.

3. Sprint uphill

Hill sprints are the best way to put your legs to work. This powerful exercise will build muscle strength and improve endurance. It is not necessary to arrange long runs. For starters, 4-6 sets of 10-20 seconds are enough, on a high hill. Take 3-minute breaks and continue your workout.

4. Dancing

Dancing is a fun and fast way to tone your legs. You can attend classes or study by video at home. Choose what is closer to you – hip-hop, twerk, classical or pop dances. All kinds of dances will be good for the legs and for all other muscles of the body.

5. Jump rope

Jumping rope also trains leg muscles. They act on the calves while increasing the heart rate.

To get started, jump rope for 20 seconds in a row. Aim for 60 seconds and multiple sets.

4 ways to increase the load on the legs

1. Pause and hold

When doing leg exercises, pause for muscle contraction. Thanks to the contraction, additional muscle involvement occur, and at the same time, there is even more strength for further training! 

2. Do not forget about the rest

Do not overexert your legs – this can slow down recovery and weaken, “hammer” muscles. Instead, let your feet rest. A short break will restore strength and improve training results.

3. Focus on your weaker leg

From time to time pay attention to the non-dominant side of the body to improve its endurance. It is especially easy to do this when walking up the stairs. If you always do everything from the dominant leg, muscle imbalance can develop.

4. Don’t Forget the Workout Mat

Perform all exercises on a soft mat. So you will not damage your knees, reduce discomfort, but at the same time increase the load on your legs, because performing tasks is much easier than on a hard surface.

4 nutritional tips that affect slim legs

1. Stay hydrated

The body stores carbohydrates as glycogen and uses them as an energy source during exercise. But poor hydration accelerates the use of glycogen, which leads to rapid muscle fatigue and reduced performance. Try to drink water every day or even more. This is especially important on hot days.

2. Eat enough calories

Eating enough calories is key to building muscle mass. It gives energy and maintains strength in the legs and body.

To find out your calorie intake, use online calorie counters or contact a nutritionist. And do not forget about the correct ratio of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates in the diet!

3. Eat a balanced diet

To maximize the strength of the body and legs, in particular, eat a balanced diet. This includes adequate hydration and proper intake of macronutrients.

Eat more protein and carbs after your workout. Carbohydrates replenish muscle glycogen stores, while protein promotes muscle recovery.

4. Avoid Added Sugar

Foods with added sugar contain low-quality calories. This can contribute to an undesirable increase in the volume of the legs.

In general, limit or avoid foods with added sugar in your diet. This category includes sweetened drinks, breakfast cereals, and shelf-stable snacks. Instead, eat more unprocessed whole foods.

3 Simple Tips to Improve All Those Efforts 

Of course, training, high activity, and proper nutrition are the main components of a slim figure. But these factors are also important for maintaining the beauty of the legs.

1. Wear compression leggings

Wear compression leggings and tights between workouts. This improves blood flow and supports muscle recovery after exercise.

2. Get up often

A sedentary lifestyle is the main problem of modern people. This can contribute to muscle loss and weakness in the legs.

To keep your legs strong, get up every 20-40 minutes. You can also stretch or do light exercise every 60 to 90 minutes.

3. Get some sleep

Sleep is an important part of muscle recovery. During deep sleep, the body releases hormones that repair cells and tissues. Sufficient rest also maintains optimal performance during leg workouts.

Marina Maya: “PR-manager Is A Universal Person Who, If Necessary, Transforms Into A Marketer, Organizer And Journalist” Wed, 28 Feb 2024 20:22:43 +0000

Marina Maya is a PR manager and marketing consultant with over 13 years of experience. And of these, we have known each other for 10 years for sure, when I, young and green, asked for an internship at WELLDONE pr-agency, where Marina worked at that time.

To this day I am grateful to the girls for believing in me and investing knowledge. Even though I didn’t continue working in PR, it was at that moment that I received tremendous experience and support. A few years after this internship, she became the editor-in-chief of

The fragile Marina has worked with the SKY group and the TamerlanAlena duo collaborated with projects: Happy People, Mari Cheba, Andrey Tsar, Delays, Artem Kai, Pavel Tabakov, and many others. As well as organizing and holding major events and, among other things, PR support for the Ukrainian-French film “The Last Step” with Jean Reno. I want to introduce you to Marina in a new interview.

How long have you been in PR?

PR is a vocation, a lifestyle, a profession, a skill. As a student, my thesis was devoted to PR in the hotel and restaurant industry, which I, in fact, planned to develop. But fate decided otherwise, bringing entertainment in all its manifestations and ambitious plans to my future. And now for more than thirteen years I have been working with musical projects, doing secular, social, and sports events, and also involved in the development and promotion of brands. It is interesting that all these years flew by like an instant, probably because it is never boring, monotonous, and without personal growth.

We studied at the same university (KNUKiI), only at different times. Has your education helped you build your career? Or practice, practice and more practice?

At the time of my admission to the university, officially in Ukraine, there was no such profession as a PR manager. The manager of an organization is the only course where, at least remotely, they taught the basics of PR, but the main subjects still remained: management, marketing, and advertising. As it turned out later, these items were much more useful in my work than I expected.

A person who has decided to connect his life with this profession must have developed intuition and high erudition, and be a good manager from the very beginning. Among the clients are artists, photographers, actors, directors, dancers, politicians, and businessmen. And in order to start developing a PR strategy, you need to quickly understand the specifics of their businesses. By the way, my diploma is still at the university. This is not bad, just knowledge is always with me, and a diploma is just plastic, in fact. 

Tell us, what projects and artists have you worked with?

For a long time, she collaborated with the projects of businessman Timofey Nagorny and producer Oleg German.

So, thanks to the latter, I met Jean Reno: I was engaged in PR support for the Ukrainian-French film “The Last Step”.

For more than 4 years she devoted herself to working with the SKY group and the TamerlanAlena duet. Collaborated with projects: “Happy People”, Mari Cheba, Andrey Tsar, Delays, Artem Kai, Pavel Tabakov, and others. 

For three years she was immersed in club culture: she was engaged in parties, organizing performances, and launching the first Intelligent Sound Alliance (ISA) DJ alliance in Ukraine. 

For several years I have been engaged in PR support for social, sports, and musical events. For example, the jazz festival EQUI Jazz Fest, the headliner of which was the owner of 22 Grammy statuettes Chick Corea, and the annual golf tournament for the prizes of the Kyiv Cigar Club, the national project Ukrainian Song / Ukrainian Song Project, and many others. 

Last year I dedicated to glossy — the Ukrainian version of the French magazine Marie Claire. I was a brand manager there.

As I have already said, a PR manager is a universal person who, if necessary, easily transforms into a marketer, organizer and journalist.

In addition to developing and popularizing the brand, I led internal and external events. Among my job projects: a party in honor of the 10th anniversary of the Marie Claire Ukraine magazine, the Mon Guerlain Inspiration Awards, the international beauty award PRIX D’EXCELLENCE DE LA BEAUTY 2019, and other events that will forever remain in my memory. 

You have an impressive experience in show business. How do you think quarantine will affect the Ukrainian music industry?

Yes, no one expected that the situation would unfold in this way, the crisis would affect almost everyone. It’s not easy, but it’s not critical, it seems to me that now the main task of everyone is to maintain strength and faith, not to give up!

Of course, the music and event industry is among the hardest hit by the pandemic. Performances for musicians are one of the main sources of income. And not only artists – organizers, venue owners, managers, labels, and ticket operators also lost their jobs. All of their work has been completely moved online. 

In any case, quarantine is a time of opportunities and fresh ideas. The period when it is important to turn on the brain and come up with something new – something that can function in the current realities and, elementarily, will feed you! 

Now musicians “disappear” in recording studios, and social networks and music platforms develop and implement new tools for promotion and earnings for artists. 

What projects are you working on now?

Oh, there are so many interesting and creative things happening that sometimes it seems that 24 hours is not enough. If someone has home gatherings in pajamas and good sleep, my team and I have a reference point for work and scaling, which I am very happy about!

At the moment I am collaborating with the mamamusic company and such projects: as KAZKA, NEANGELY, and Verka Serduchka, and I am also promoting Yuri Nikitin’s author’s course “Superstar Strategy” within the music business school. To date, we have already launched the third module of the project, held masterminds with Pavel Shilko and Alan Badoev, two more speakers will be announced soon. We are also preparing to launch a new musical project “Light up” and restart the GRLSX project – the track was released on 24.04. 

What projects would you like to work on?

In my life and work, I realized one thing – everything that happens – happens on time, not earlier, and not later. Fortunately, I feel “my own” – I know that I can be useful to this or that project/artist, take it to a new level, outline a winning strategy – I get involved 100%. 

Once I heard the phrase: “Creativity loves suffering.” I do not argue that there is something in suffering – an element of introspection, a search for answers, and a depth of perception of life, but I’m not talking about self-flagellation – I like to reveal my potential, constantly improve and enjoy every day. Therefore, I really appreciate and respect people who know how to charge, inspire and fall in love with themselves with their talent. These are the ones you always want to work with. Fortunately, it is precisely such personalities that surround me, and what will happen next will not be an accident – all meetings take place on time!

What projects are you particularly proud of?

Everyone, without exception. Truth. Before taking on a project, I carefully study it, analyze it, and soberly assess my capabilities and the potential of the project itself. Fate does not bring together those people who should not have crossed paths in life. Yes, of course, there were offers that I refused and, by the way, I never regretted them later. 

What do you love most about work?

I love the emotions that my work brings. This is freedom, a flight of fancy, creativity, and a lack of limits – these are people who delight in their thirst for life and profession. If we talk about musical projects, about artists, I often observe how the performer fusses before and after the concert, worries, and at the time of the performance, enjoys and completely surrenders to the stage, to the public. A stunning spectacle of the exchange of energies and dedication. 

In my work, I love the beginning and end of a project. The initial stage is the creation of the event and its final stage is the result. Special feelings overwhelm you when you look at the outcome of a long-running event and understand that the time and effort spent are fully justified! 

What do you dislike at work?

Irresponsibility, lack of education, and unjustified self-confidence. 

What does your quarantine day look like? Has there been more work?

It may seem that self-isolation is a long-awaited vacation. But no! I have more work to do, that’s for sure. The situation in the world has developed in such a way that all activity has switched to the “online” mode, and therefore I spend my weekdays/weekends in gadgets. The boundary of the concept of “working day” is completely erased, now the whole day is labor. What remained unchanged before and during the quarantine period is that night is the best time for silence and texts. And sleep if possible 🙂

Tell me about your time management secrets. It seems to me that you manage to do everything and even a little more.

I have been a perfectionist in my life. I’m on the job and won’t stop until I’m done. Whether it’s a book or a presentation, a series or cleaning. You know, sometimes it can be very exhausting. The way out of the situation is to do several things at the same time, otherwise, there will be no hours of sleep at all. And I also determined for myself the most effective time for this or that work. For example, I mainly write texts at night, in the morning I negotiate, and in the evening I devote an hour to home and sports. If these procedures are reversed, the whole day is a waste. 

5. Life hacks that help you in your work?

1. Time management.

As I said, it is extremely important for me to balance each of the areas in order to always be in good shape and productive.

2. Freedom.

I am a responsible and active person with a clear focus on results. I don’t need reminders about deadlines and some kind of “good advice” – I know the task and always carry it out with conscience. I am not an office worker, but I do much more when I am “free”. It is important for me to feel the air – to work in a cafe with a cup of coffee or sit in some open coworking space, or from home, hiding with a blanket on the couch – I continue to work. Over time, the concept of “office” will disappear, the office will be where there is a computer and the Internet.

3. List of tasks/plans for the day or week.

Clarity and fixation of tasks are the keys to success. I keep a notebook, it is always at hand, I plan meetings and write down ideas. Sometimes it is very useful to take your mind off the phone, and change the hotkeys for an ink pen – nobody canceled the training of fine motor skills.

4. Change of occupation – a break for sports.

A long stay at the computer should be replaced by a break for rest. I worked for a couple of hours – I devoted 20 minutes to myself. Walk around the apartment, drink tea, get some air, turn on the music, or better, squat. Sport is the best chance – it’s always about health and figure.

5. Learn to say “no”.

Respecting yourself and your choice, listening to your heart, and doing only what you like are super important. As well as the ability to say “no” to what moves you away from your dreams, goes against your true desires / moral principles, and does not meet expectations. As soon as you give up the unnecessary, you instantly make room for the important, checked !!! 
