Depression – MattsBabes Women's Health - Fitness, Nutrition, Sex, and Weight Loss Tips for Women Sat, 17 Feb 2024 04:52:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Hungry all the time: 7 reasons why you are constantly hungry Sat, 17 Feb 2024 04:52:25 +0000

Why do I want to eat all the time? Some of us ask this question and cannot find the answer to it. There are many problems in the body, diet, and lifestyle that can cause severe hunger. 

And it’s not about small portions or low-calorie content. And in what? We made a detailed list, look for your reason in it.

Of course, nutritional features cannot be written off. Severe hunger may be due to the fact that you consume very few calories, for example, you sit on a low-calorie diet and literally survive on it thanks to willpower.

Hungry all the time: how to change your diet

An increased feeling of hunger can be caused by the fact that you do consume not enough protein – its deficiency leads to the fact that satiety does not last long, and soon after eating you will be faced with the desire to snack again. Don’t forget eggs, dairy, meat, poultry, and legumes.

The same effect can be expected if there is too little fiber in your diet, there are no slow carbohydrates, but there are quite a lot of fast ones – those found in desserts, cookies, and other sweets. Adjust your diet and watch for changes. Whole grains, fibrous vegetables (zucchini, pumpkin), potatoes, fruits – apples, pears will help you.

In addition, the feeling of hunger is often confused with intense thirst. The next time you feel like eating something, try drinking a glass of water or tea first – it might save the day. We are talking about water or drinks without sugar and other additives. An attempt to quench your thirst with a sweet soda or a coffee drink with a cap of cream can end in failure: the feeling of thirst will disappear for a short time, but a lot of “empty” calories will enter the body, and you will soon want to eat again.

Psychosomatics can also cause a feeling of hunger. Many people know the feeling when you go on a diet, have to eat less, choose low-calorie foods, or simply decide to give up some foods, how on the same day you begin to experience a strong feeling of hunger, which can only be blunted by “that cake from the pastry shop”. Our body in such situations deceives us, but we believe it and strive to feed ourselves as soon as possible. And most often not the most useful food.

I want to constantly eat: the real reasons for hunger

The causes of severe hunger can be different. It’s not always about the diet: it can be metabolic disorders, hereditary diseases, mental and other diseases. The feeling of hunger is one, the reasons that call for it are different, and the ways to deal with each differ. Sometimes people are surprised to find that they are constantly hungry (and even feel hungry at night) not at all because of malnutrition, but because of chronic health problems that can be at least partially corrected. So, if you are hungry all the time or your child is constantly hungry, then pay attention to medical reasons.


People who are depressed or who suffer from an anxiety disorder often experience a constant feeling of hunger and an overwhelming desire to eat something. They prefer something tasty, trying with food to increase the level of serotonin, the so-called hormone of joy, which is produced in insufficient quantities during the depression. By the way, often the reasons for such jamming can be related to childhood: many of us can recall cases when our parents gave us something tasty so that we would not worry. As we grow up, we do the same.

Sleep problems

Sleep little – eat a lot. Lack of sleep (if you sleep less than 6 hours a night) provokes a hormonal imbalance, which results in an increased feeling of hunger, which some people experience almost constantly. Try to improve your sleep, and then the concentration of ghrelin – the hormone of hunger – will decrease and return to normal, and you will be able to curb your appetite.


Despite its not too impressive size, the thyroid gland is very important for the normal functioning of the body. Violations in its functioning affect our condition. Hyperthyroidism – increased production of hormones by the gland – can cause a whole range of symptoms, including a strong feeling of hunger which is not in the last place.

In addition to him, an enlarged neck, bouts of heat, diarrhea for no apparent reason, and mood swings should alert.


A strong feeling of hunger can occur while taking certain medications. For example, corticosteroids, antidepressants, and antipsychotic medications may well cause this effect.

Due to the constant need to eat something, which is often associated with taking medication, people often gain weight – this is especially true in the first months of taking the drug. If the feeling of hunger is already very strong, then it would be more correct to consult a doctor to adjust the dose or select other drugs.

Type 2 diabetes

People often don’t realize they have type 2 diabetes. And this happens even if the signs of the disease are quite obvious. Among the most common signs of diabetes are extreme thirst, frequent urination, blurred vision, weight loss, and poor wound healing. Excessive hunger is also on this list. If you notice any of these, then consult a doctor and get tested for sugar.


The transition to menopause and its beginning is a serious test for the female body. Weight gain during this period is not uncommon. Scientists have found that a decrease in estrogen levels just provokes an increase in appetite, due to which many begin to eat more and more. This is where hormone replacement therapy comes in.


Under stress, the body produces cortisol in large quantities. The more cortisol, the higher the sugar level. When it drops sharply, a person is very hungry. The higher the level of stress, the more often such situations occur.

You can keep cortisol levels under control (or at least slightly reduce it) by introducing foods containing polyunsaturated fatty acids into your diet, which are found, for example, in fish.
